Η εικόνα αυτή κατασκευάστηκε με XeLaTeX και TiKz. Παραθέτω το Πρελούδιο μαζί με τον κώδικα, για όποιον ενδιαφέρεται:
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\node [block, inner color=white, outer color=yellow!40!] (?) {?};
\node [block, below of=?, yshift=-3em, xshift=-8em, yshift=3em] (Veit) {Veit \\ {\footnotesize (+c.1577/1619)}};
\node [block, below of=?, yshift=-3em, xshift=8em, yshift=3em] (Hans) {Hans \\ {\footnotesize (c.1520-c.1580)}};
% Hans Sons
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=Hans] (H1) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=Hans, xshift=-6em] (H2) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=Hans, xshift=6em] (H3) {?};
\node [block, below of=Veit, xshift=-4em] (Lips) {Lips \\ {\footnotesize (c.1552-1620)}};
% Lips Sons
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, left of=Lips, xshift=-10em] (V1) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, above of=V1] (V2) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=V1] (V3) {?};
\node [block, below of=Veit, xshift=4em] (Johannes) {Johannes \\ {\footnotesize (c.1550-1626)}};
% Johannes Sons
\node [block, below of=Johannes, xshift=-12em, yshift=-10] (Heinrich) {Heinrich \\ {\footnotesize (1615-1692)}};
\node [block, below of=Johannes, yshift=-11] (C) {Christoph \\ {\footnotesize (1613-1661)}};
\node [block, below of=Johannes, xshift=280, yshift=20] (J) {Johann \\ {\footnotesize (1604-1673)}};
% Heinrich Sons
\node [block, below of=Heinrich, xshift=-7em] (JC1) {Johann Christoph \\ {\footnotesize (1642-1703)}};
\node [block, below of=JC1, yshift=-10] (JN) {Johann Nikolaus \\ {\footnotesize (1669-1753)}};
\node [block, below of=Heinrich] (JM) {Johann Michael \\ {\footnotesize (1648-1694)}};
\node [block, below of=Heinrich, xshift=7em] (JG) {Johann Günter \\ {\footnotesize (1653-1683)}};
% Maria Barbara
\node [block, shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=Dandelion!20!, below of=JM, yshift=-10] (MB) {Maria Barbara \\ {\footnotesize (1684-1720)}};
% Christoph Sons
\node [block, below of=C, xshift=7em] (GC) {Georg Christoph \\ {\footnotesize (1642-1697)}};
\node [block, below of=C, xshift=14em] (JC2) {Johann Christoph \\ {\footnotesize (1645-1693)}};
\node [block, below of=C, xshift=21em] (JA) {Johann Ambrosius \\ {\footnotesize (1645-1695)}};
% Johann Sons
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, right of=J, xshift=1em] (J2) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, above of=J2, yshift=-10] (J1) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=J2, yshift=10] (J3) {?};
% Johann Ambrosius Sons
\node [block, shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=red!20!, below of=JA, yshift=-20] (JSB) {\textbf{Johann Sebastian} \\ {\footnotesize (1685-1750)}};
\node [block, shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=Dandelion!20!, right of=JSB, xshift=30] (AM) {Anna Magdalena Wilke \\ {\footnotesize (1701-1760)}};
\node [block, left of=JSB, xshift=-30] (JC3) {Johann Christoph \\ {\footnotesize (1671-1721)}};
\node [block, left of=JC3, xshift=-30] (JB) {Johann Balthasar \\ {\footnotesize (1673-1791)}};
\node [block, left of=JB, xshift=-30] (JJ) {Johann Jacob \\ {\footnotesize (1682-1722)}};
% Johann Christoph Sons
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=JC3, xshift=2em] (JCS2) {?};
\node [block, text width=1em, inner color=white, outer color=gray!30!, below of=JC3, xshift=-2em] (JCS1) {?};
% Johann Sebastian Sons
\node [block, shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=blue!15!, below of=JJ, yshift=-80] (WF) {\textbf{Wilhelm Friedemann} \\ {\footnotesize (1710-1784)}};
\node [block, shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=blue!15!, below of=JB, yshift=-80] (CPE) {\textbf{Carl Philipp Emanuel} \\ {\footnotesize (1714-1788)}};
\node [block, below of=JC3, yshift=-80] (JGB) {Johann Gottfried Bernhard \\ {\footnotesize (1715-1739)}};
\node [block, below of=JSB, yshift=-80] (GH) {Georg Heinrich \\ {\footnotesize (1724-1763)}};
\node [block, below of=JSB, yshift=-80, xshift=90] (JCF) {Johann Christoph Friedrich \\ {\footnotesize (1732-1795)}};
\node [block, shading=radial, inner color=white, outer color=blue!15!, below of=JSB, yshift=-80, xshift=180] (JC4) {\textbf{Johann Christian} \\ {\footnotesize (1735-1782)}};
% Carl Philipp Emanuel Son
\node [block, below of=CPE, yshift=-20] (JSBP) {Johann Sebastian (painter) \\ {\footnotesize (1748–1778)}};
% Johann Christoph Friedrich Son
\node [block, below of=JCF, yshift=-20] (WFE) {Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst \\ {\footnotesize (1759–1845)}};
% -------------------------------------------------------
% Draw edges
% \path [line] (?) -- (Veit);
\path [line] (?) -| (Veit);
\path [line] (?) -| (Hans);
\path [line] (Hans) -- (H1);
\path [line] (Hans) -- (H2);
\path [line] (Hans) -- (H3);
\path [line] (Lips) -- (V1);
\path [line] (V1) -- (V2);
\path [line] (V1) -- (V3);
\path [line] (Veit) -- (Lips);
\path [line] (Veit) -- (Johannes);
% Johannes Sons
\path [line] (Johannes) -- (Heinrich);
\path [line] (Johannes) -- (C);
\path [line] (Johannes) |- (J);
% Heinrich Sons
\path [line] (Heinrich) -| (JC1);
\path [line] (Heinrich) -- (JM);
\path [line] (Heinrich) -| (JG);
\path [line] (JC1) -- (JN);
\path [line] (JM) -- (MB);
% Christoph Sons
\path [line] (C) -| (GC);
\path [line] (C) -| (JC2);
\path [line] (C) -| (JA);
% Johann Sons
\path [line] (J) -- (J2);
\path [line] (J) |- (J1);
\path [line] (J) |- (J3);
% Johann Ambrosius Sons
\path [line] (JA) -- (JSB);
\path [line] (JA.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -| (JC3.north);
\path [line] (JA.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -| (JB.north);
\path [line] (JA.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-.5) -| (JJ.north);
% Johann Christoph Sons
\path [line] (JC3) -- (JCS1);
\path [line] (JC3) -- (JCS2);
% Johann Sebastian Sons
\path [line] (JSB) -- (GH);
\path [line] (JSB.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-2.2) -| (WF.north);
\path [line] (JSB.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-2.2) -| (CPE.north);
\path [line] (JSB.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-2.2) -| (JGB.north);
\path [line] (JSB.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-2.2) -| (JCF.north);
\path [line] (JSB.south) -- ++(0,0) -- ++(0,-2.2) -| (JC4.north);
% Carl Philipp Emanuel Son
\path [line] (CPE) -- (JSBP);
% Johann Christoph Friedrich Son
\path [line] (JCF) -- (WFE);
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